azygos vein
- 奇静脉

Anatomical study on azygos vein retrograde perfusion for spinal cord protection during aortic operation
The azygos vein ascends in the right paravertebral gutter .
CT Imaging of Azygos Vein and Its Clinical Application
The Use of Azygos Vein in Bronchial Surgery : a Report on 20 Cases
The azygos vein in 27 adult specimens was studied .
Two cases had left brachiocephalic vein continuation of the azygos vein .
The imaging feature of Azygos Vein disease and its pathoanatomy foundation
Anatomical Observation of the Azygos Vein System
The Applied Anatomy of the Azygos Vein
When obstruction of upper segment of SVC occurred , blood could return to heart through azygos vein or anterior group vessels .
Investigation on Circumference and Orientation of the Azygos Vein at the Site Entering in the Superior Vena Cava
Conclusion : It is a new and feasible method to retrograde perfusion of the azygos vein for spinal cord protection during aortic operation .
While lower segment of SVC was occluded , blood could reflux through azygos vein and hemiazygos vein to right atrium .
The length of the second part and third part ( azygos vein arch ) of azygos vein were 4.20 ± 0.93 cm and 3.10 ± 0.55 cm respectively .
Color Doppler flow imaging study on the changes of collateral circulation between portal superior vena cava and azygos vein before and after endoscopic ligation of the esophageal varix
The possible courses of the displacement of the azygos vein to the left were related to the displacement of the aorta and the development of right posterior lung in the azygos-esophageal recesses .
In most anatomical textbooks and literatures , the azygos vein has been described as ascending on the right side of the vertebral column , but this description only coincides with the results of our 48 children 's series .
Among 66 specimens single valves were found in the azygos vein in 47 oases ( 83.9 % ), two valves , in 3 cases ( 5.4 % ) and no valves , in 6 oases ( 10.7 % ) .
Of 41 cases of anomalous inferior vena cava ( IVC ), 39 cases presented with interruption of IVC accompanied by azygos vein drainage , 1 with IVC draining to left atrium , 1 with IVC duplication .
The tumor often spread to the adjacent structures in descending sequence : carina , tracheo-bronchus , descending aorta , azygos vein , pericardium , aortic arch . Effects of pneumoperitoneum on tracheal carina position under a variety of peritoneum pressure
CT findings of 30 patients with portal hypertension and varices were reviewed , including : esophageal varices , paraesophageal varices , dilatation of azygos system , paraumbilical vein dilatation , dilated splenic vein , varices in the lesser omentum and other abnormalities associated with portal hypertension .